Friday 26 June 2009

Friday 26th June 2009

I'm so exhausted i couldn't even type the full lol
Well today wasn't a gr8 day as, 'The Woman in the Red Dress' made an appearance this morning.. confused? What i mean is, its that time of the month!
I felt so heavy and sluggish, but still managed to increase my densities on the meltdown for the weight.....its still the same 203lbs....its been stuck there since Monday or Tuesday I think. I'm not too bothered by that at the moment as I'm sure that it has something to do with fluid retention or something.

Saying that, I'm anticipating an increase in weight for tomorrows weigh in, due to this poxy water retention story.

So what have I learnt today?
Planning and preparation of what I'm gonna eat it VITAL
In Encouraging others, you encourage yourself
Giving up isn't really an option
Other people r following my blog, so I better fix up and be an example......!!

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