Saturday 4 July 2009

Saturday 4th July 2009

Dax Moys 30in30 challenge.....

Felt a bit bad today as I only drank 2 litres of water.....had lots of fruit though which was gr8. Also some avacado and some chicken and a few other ED friendly things.

Today my hubby commented that the slight dark circles I had under my eyes were starting to fade away and I began to wonder if this was down to my change in diet?? Was the sugar and all the other crap I was consuming messing with my skin that much?? All i could say/think is wow..what u put in really does manifest itself physically...whether it be dark circles, moodiness, fatigue, bad skin, etc etc...

I was reading a little of my husbands, 'Body for Life' book by.....(ok i can't be asked to go downstairs and check.....!) Bill something I think...
anywayz..there's a part in there where it says that your physically appearance is a reflection of how you live your life, or something along those lines....
I began to think about this and it is, sooo true....if you're lazy and can't be asked to exercise, cook healthy foods ad take the time to plan what you're putting into your 'temple' then there's a pretty high chance that the way you carry yourself at work, etc is pretty much the same whereby you work to the least of your capacity, you don't push yourself to achieve more and you generally just work to survive and pay the bills etc....

Doing this 30in30 challenge has really forced me to make more of an effort to check what I'm puttng into my body.... i only want to onsume the best of the best...not all that processed rubbish...

I'm already starting to think about what I will reintroduce once the 30 days is over, I know that sugar probably won't be high on the list!

Anyway....thats enough babbling from to bed now and hopefully my knees will feel alot better tomorrow..............



  1. Nice post Angela, it really does matter what we eat if we want to feel our best...

  2. I second Melissa - yes, we indeed turn into what we put into our mouths and it reflects on the outside. To truly take care of ourselves means to pay attention to what we eat, where the food comes from, and how nutritious it is. Never forget that you can not out-train a bad diet!
    Great post Angela!
